Path 2

You Are Here:
The Path for Caregivers

This offer is for you if you have a family member with dementia and you believe in being proactive in planning their care, rather than waiting for a crisis to occur. This offer is for you, your loved one with dementia, and other caretakers, if they are receptive to walking this journey with you.

image of hiking shoes walking across a fallen log in the forest

For those with a family member with dementia.

This is a 12-week program which includes weekly 90-minute sessions on the following topics:

a.) 2 Sessions discovery and assessment;

b.)8 Sessions DAWN Method of Dementia Support

c.) 2 Sessions of action steps & planning

As part of the program, you will receive recordings of your sessions and a program workbook and journal. Between sessions you can email Teri with questions (please allow 48 hours for email reply). 

Doing this work now, before dementia progresses, minimizes the financial burden you’ll spend on crisis care, delays the need for long term placement solutions and prevents the risk of abuse and neglect for both caregiver and loved one experiencing dementia.